Emissions Explorer

Emissions Explorer estimates the lifetime emissions of your chosen vehicle.

We calculate lifetime emissions by adding up emissions estimates from each stage of a vehicle’s life.
How do we estimate?

We take your inputs of: vehicle year, make, model, & configuration, ZIP code, and estimated ownership time.

We use this information, coupled with data from the GREET® model (Argonne National Laboratory) EPA vehicle data, and EPA grid emissions data, to calculate lifetime emissions.
GREET stands for Greenhouse gasses, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies Model, and is the standard open-source vehicle LCA model.

What data do we use?

We use data from the EPA for vehicle information and emissions from U.S. grid regions. We also use data from the GREET® Model to calculate emissions from the production and end-of-life emissions phases.

What makes our tool unique?

Emissions Explorer combines location, vehicle, and mileage inputs from the user, calculates embodied emissions (production and end-of-life phases), and provides a contextualized and digestible final output.
Our tool is the first consumer tool to integrate these features. We provide further comparison to other tools below.

Tool Vehicle Selection Location Selection Direct Emissions Embodied Emissions Contextualized Outputs Digestible Outputs
Emissions Explorer
Evtool by Union Concerned Scientists
by Argonne
Beyond the Tailpipe
by Oak Ridge
Electricity Sources and Emissions by AFDC

Factors that affect vehicle lifetime emissions

Vehicle Type

Is the vehicle gas powered (ICE)? An electric vehicle (EV)? Or a hybrid plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV)?


Where is the car driven and charged? Fuel emissions for electric vehicles depend on the electrical grid mix.

Miles Driven

How much is the vehicle being used? Usage emissions decrease if the vehicle is driven less.

Vehicle Size

How large is the car? Is it a truck, SUV, or compact? Fuel efficiency plays a role in usage emissions.


Vehicle emissions from vehicles change from year to year to comply with fuel economy standards and other requirements.

With our tool's vehicle data, you can see trends of vehicle lifetime emissions over the last 23 years.

Calculate a Vehicle's Lifetime Emissions

1. Where do you live?
2. Length of Ownership
US average of vehicle ownership is 17 years.
US average of lifetime miles of a vehicle is 178,000.
3. Pick a Vehicle
Configuration: Select Vehicle Model First

Astoria Ho, Clara Hu, Josh Everts -- MIMS '23 Capstone Project